Putting is a science of taking a putter, calculating a bunch of factors and then hitting the ball along the ground into the hole. It seems like it should be very simple, since even a child can do it, yet it can be the most frustrating part of golf. Why that little white ball won’t fall into the hole? The calculating factors is the human part, the putter is the part that can help repeat a roll and accomplish what the human element wants to do. One of the big trends right now in the putter industry is stability. That is why the big mallets keep popping up on tour, because they create a stable and consistent strike on the ball. The Sacks Parente Series 66 Putter does that in a traditional shape large anser style head with an Ultra Low Balance Point. This is one of the most stable putters I’ve ever used.

I am a big fan of the anser putter, first made in 1966. Thus the name of the Sacks Parente Series 66 putter. This has become my go-to putter since it fits my eye the best and I’ve found the most consistent success with this head shape over the years. Sacks Parente put their spin on this shape by making it a bigger and heavier head. They put almost all the weight of the putter in the face and use a specialty shaft to create an Ultra Low Balance Point. The use of multi-materials helped accomplish this. This putter is a blend of 4 materials, 7070 aluminum, AS370 brass, ultra-high density tungsten and 6061 aircraft aluminum. The pairing of these materials means that the weight is manipulated to be near the face and yet wide for a stable, center CG. The aluminum face plate offers grooves and feel to get the ball rolling forward quickly. If you are more of a center shaft person, check out our buyers guide on the best center shafted putters!

The Sacks Parente Series 66 putter’s ULBP is created by the combination of 360 gram head with a 35 gram shaft. They offer 3 custom and unique shafts which they designed to be lightweight, offer great feel and feedback as well as being ultra stiff so that you don’t have to worry about inconsistency. The ULBP creates what I call UHS (ultra high stability) This means you putter stays on the intended line of your putt. It is as point and shoot as you get with a putter. There is no twist at impact and it is hard to manipulate the putter during the stroke to take it off line. Inertia is your friend. The easy alignment because of the big body and top line make pointing it in the right direction very easy. The custom grip options make getting just the right feel in your hands a personal choice for what works best for you.
The Sacks Parente Series 66 putter is unique by design and will take a moment of adjustment when you first take it to the course. Most golfers will be coming from something different, especially in terms of weighting. The ULBP will take a few greens to adapt your putting stroke, or at least your calculations of putts. Because there is so much feel at the head, there is a high probability you will create too much speed on your first few putts. The stroke will be smooth, everything will feel great, but the ball will just kind of rocket off the face. This is because your memory tell you to putt the same way you have with a much different balance pointed putter. This isn’t a bad thing since the majority of golfers leave putts short. A little burst of distance isn’t too bad, especially once you get it dialed in.

The Sacks Parente Series 66 putter is in my bag now for over 7 rounds. I think it took my a round of golf to work out the speed kinks. Once I did, the feel and ease of putting became natural. What I’ve really come to appreciate is the stability stroke after stroke. The ULBP means that every putt rolls on its intended line. While my calculations are off sometimes, the putter does exactly what I want virtually every single time. Because of the uniqueness of this putter, you might not pick one up off the rack and roll every putt in the first few minutes, but give it time and it will grow on you with success. The more you hole putts, the more your confidence in this putter will grown. The shorter ones start feeling like gimmies and the long ones start looking shorter.

Sacks Parente created a putter that is both technological and beautiful. Their use of multi-materials offers an ULBP which creates UHS putt after putt. It takes a few putts to get used to this new feel, but the rewards are long term for your putting. Their make more putts slogan is fitting for this putter. It encompasses all the golfers needs on the green: feel, distance control, stability, aim, and appearance. The club that hits the ball the most during a round of golf is the club most worthy of upgrade. If you want to invest in lower scores, this Sacks Parente Series 66 Putter might just be what you need. See how an Ultra Low Balance Point can create Ultra High Stability and more made putts.